Computer Love: Are texting And Twitter Bad For Relationships?

A well written article should include a resource box at the end which contains a link back to your Website. This is how your readers find out more about you. It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish-and what kind of constituency you have. Do you want to microblog just to give your friends an insight into your daily routine-a Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter update is sufficient. Or, are you trying to gain traction in a new business?

Expose your microblogging thoughts on LinkedIn, a professional resume-like networking site. Or you can Twitter to businesses or business owners. It’s not easy to decide. Conversely, bad retweets can be detrimental to the reputation. Followers love to follow people who show a bit of intelligence in their tweets and retweets. Twitter presents itself as a social networking tool. If you are looking to connect with professionals and experts in your industry, you can find and connect with them using this tool.

Twitter service helps you to connect with like-minded people and build long-term relationship with them. Everyone in the network remains updated by sharing tweets (posts) shared in real time. This is a great way of promoting your blog. I always motivate my copywriters by recommending they go against the grain; don’t copy what the competitor is doing. In the marketing world, it’s called contrarian thinking. Granted, contrarian thinking is used more in the financial sector, but it serves as an integral part of the process.

The better tweeter is always on the lookout for good materials on the web. Retweeting these materials ( – articles, news, multimedia files – shows the user as a tweeter of substance. Good retweets are only possible if the user has actually read the material, and has found its content worthy to be retweeted. When followers find the retweet valuable, it creates a ripple effect – being retweeted countless more times – and increases the standing of the original retweeter among peers and followers.

The world on Sunday night and Monday morning was all a’Twitter about the killing of Osama bin Laden, but Twitter has shown itself to be of great use in many breaking news events. In this case, at least two Twitter members had unknowingly live-Tweeted the U.S. raid against bin Laden in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad.